Aligned You.

Aligned You is remembering you have the key + power to your own alignment + life.


Your alignment goes hand in hand with your willingness to confront your conditioning, stories + beliefs that have kept you confined.

The extent to which you live aligned is in direct relation to your willingness to commit to you.

This container is so unique because we include your Higher Self + your animal(s). They will include their own insight, advice + pep talks for you. The guidance that comes through as a result is invaluable. We use tangible tools like Human Design, oracle cards + astrological events, as well as the intangible tools like intuition, channeling from Guides + conversations with your Higher Self + animal(s). All wrapped up in one container. Invaluable.


This container isn’t for those looking for fluffy words, superficial exercises or a shortcut.

🪶 This container is for the genius who is tired of doing it everyone else’s way and is determined to find + understand their own way.

🪶 This container is for the powerful being who is ready to claim ALL of themselves.

🪶 This container is for the pioneer who goes first, becomes the beacon, to lead others to safety.

🪶 This container is for the visionary that knows there is so much more for them in this lifetime.

🪶 This container is for the intuitive who craves more embodiment.

🪶 This container is for the being who is unwilling to settle any longer.

This container isn’t for everyone, and if any of the above statements lit a fire in your being or triggered something within you, then this container may be for you.


The Aligned You container holds you (Soul + Human) as you deepen + embody your authentic + aligned self.

✨ In this container you will stop living your life for others + live for yourself first.

✨ You will determine what feels best + lean into it.

✨ You will recognize where you have been denying yourself.

✨ You will confront where you have been getting in your own way, let yourself down or denied joy + shift it.

✨ You will walk with more confidence, deeper trust + compassion.

✨ You will listen to your body’s inner guidance + intuition.

✨ You will embody + accept your natural energy.

✨ You will no longer second guess your decisions.

✨ You will develop deeper relationships with self + others.

✨ You will know + accept your emotions.

✨ You will know the value of walking away from things, people, opportunities, etc. that are not for you + begin that process.

✨ You will no longer give your power away.

The shifts that are possible with this container are infinite.

Your Guides in this container


Your animal(s)

Your Higher Self

Our Guides

Gaia, possibly

What you can expect in this container:

-Getting clear on where you are right now + where you desire to be

-Understanding your unique authentic roadmap via Human Design

-Receiving input from your Higher Self + animal(s)

-Identifying where you have gone against yourself + how to rectify it

-Knowing the signs of misalignment for you

-Exercises, journal prompts or meditations to deepen your journey

-Accountability - challenged to go deeper to find the root cause

-Support from me, my Guides + possibly Gaia as well

What’s included:

  • Weekly 90 min calls, recorded + sent to you after each session

  • Access to the Emerging Authentically You Resource Page - this is where you can find meditations to connect to self, podcast + book recommendations, bonus calls and more!

  • Unlimited text + audio support through the free app Voxer

  • Energy Type Workbook for your Type

  • Access to your Type’s Reintroduction Course

  • Extra week of unlimited support through Voxer after our last call


12 weeks

(roughly 3 months)

1 payment - $7,000

3 payments - $2,334

4 payments - $1,755

26 weeks

(roughly 6 months)

1 payment - $15,000

5 payments - $3,000

7 payments - $2,188

Ready to jump in? Here are the next steps.

  1. If you have questions before fully aligning + claiming your alignment through this container please schedule a 30min call for us to chat or send me your questions via email, whichever feels best.

  2. If you don’t have questions or are ready to start your alignment journey, please fill out the form below. This container is unique in that your animal and / or your higher self get a say. This is a powerful transformation and I want to hear from them on what they want you to know and how ready you are to go on this type of journey (I will share those responses with you on our first call).


Claim your spot!

If you already know this is a good fit for you and don’t need to have a call to confirm, then fill out the form below and we can begin our journey together!

If you are feeling the call I invite you to email me to ensure it is a good fit + begin our journey together.

Lots of Love!