Explore Animal Communication

1:1 Container

The same incredible content + teachings from the EAC group container tailored to you.

While the EAC group container is unique + powerful, this 1:1 container magnifies that magic intensely.

The way I guide you into reconnecting with communicating with animals is by first remembering how to connect and listen to self and then apply that to connecting with animals.

We tend to forget that there are endless ways of connecting in and communicating with animals, self and the unseen world. Some of us have been taught that only special people can do this or that it can only look a certain way or it can only happen doing it a specific way.

I am here to remind you that YOU have the power to connect in with animals, self + the unseen in YOUR way - we just have to remind you + reconnect you to YOUR way.

I believe - and have seen - that we ALL have the ability to communicate with animals. And we all have our own unique way of doing that. My way isn’t going to be exactly your way. The way I receive messages from animals isn’t going to be the exact same way you do. So, why would I teach you my way of communicating with animals as the ONLY way to communicate?

Instead I will support you in exploring the different ways in which you could connect in and communicate with animals - while also learning to listen to self - so you can discern which way is YOUR way.

YOUR way of communicating with animals is going to bring the most effortless experience AND the most powerful results.

The 1:1 container allows us to focus solely on you.

Here is what you can expect as we walk through this container together

Understanding and tuning into you. Who you are, how you operate. It is important to learn and understand who you are and how you move in the world so you can discern what is best for you as we move through this experience.

Connecting to self, the Divine, our Guides, Source. Creating a clear channel to receive information from the unseen.

Level setting on what animal communication is and how it can look for you and others. Starting to explore and discover how we may receive messages from animals, how we may hear them, how we tap into their magic.

Beginning to formulate the process and methods that work best for you.

Observing and confronting the fears and obstacles that may be stopping you.

Exploring the different facets and niching available within animal communication.

Other tools and additions you may choose to add to your practice.

Using animal communication moving forward. How you may choose to use it in your personal and / or professional life moving forward.

Meet some of our advisors

During our time together we will be connecting in with at least one of my animals on your journey to reconnecting, developing and strengthening your gift of communicating with animals.

My animals are not new to being communicated with or receiving energetic healings. They all have unique, dynamic and powerful energies and are willing to share them with you too.

Not only will you get to connect in with them - you will also hear advice + feedback from them through me. They offer students incredible advice and tips to support them in this beautiful journey.

This is not an aspect you will experience in any of my other containers.

Meet your guide

Hi! I am Emma, I will be your guide and facilitator on this journey.

My personal journey to animal communication was not streamlined nor overt. I did not consciously know as a child that I could communicate with animals. Honestly, I did not know animal communication existed until I began my own personal discovery journey. After learning to listen and trust myself more and more I found my way to an animal communicator. After following some breadcrumbs, I allowed this innate gift to rise to the surface and finally take a seat within the conscious side of myself.

That was 5 years ago, and I haven’t stopped communicating from my first taste of a connection.

I have had to overcome many self-limiting beliefs and understandings of how animal communication “can be,” “should be,” is “supposed to be” to find my own personal way, and that is what I want to support you with, finding your way.

Since discovering my gift, I have connected in with hundreds of animals in over 10 countries. I left my corporate career in lieu to follow my path to communicate with animals full time. Communicating with animals is my soul’s work. It is something I am drawn back to and drawn to over and over and over again. I can’t live within the world without providing this connection and bridge between human and animal.

Another gift of mine is helping align people to their authenticity using a tool called Human Design. I now see the world through this tool and can see when and how someone is misaligned through the words they are saying. Human Design is a treasure trove of information about the authentic person we are, and because knowing ourselves deeply is important for this work, we will be using this tool to better understand ourselves while we give ourselves permission to cultivate our gift to communicate with animals. You can learn more about Human Design here.

Ways in which we utilize HD in this container

Understanding which clairs you have more consistently and which ones are more fluid for you

How much structure or flow you will likely prefer when communicating with animals

Your learning style

Which fears may be keeping you stuck or stopping you from acting

Recognizing when you are in and out of alignment

Intuitive gifts awaiting you

And more!

What’s included:

  • Weekly 60 - 90min calls the length of your container

  • Access to the Explore Animal Communication Course

    • This has all the lessons + teachings - to learn more click here.

  • Access to the EAC Resource Page

    • This is where you will find meditations for connecting to self, audio tracks for opening the space to communicate with animals, bonus calls from past EAC group containers, plus much more!

  • Unlimited text + audio support through the free app Voxer

  • Energy Type workbook for your Type

  • My own readings / connections with the animals you connect in with during this container

  • Extra week of unlimited support after last call

  • All calls are recorded and sent for your future reference


12 weeks

1 x $7,000

3 x $2,334

4 x $1,755

Ready to jump in? Here are the next steps.

  1. If you have questions before fully aligning + claiming your alignment through this container please schedule a 30min call for us to chat or send me your questions via email, whichever feels best.

  2. If you don’t have questions or are ready to start your alignment journey, please fill out the form below. This container is unique in that your animal and / or your higher self get a say. This is a powerful transformation and I want to hear from them on what they want you to know and how ready you are to go on this type of journey (I will share those responses with you on our first call).

Claim the space to experience your gifts.

Watch for more information!


  • No, this experience is open to everyone who feels called to it and is open to exploring tapping into their innate ability and skill to communicate with animals.

  • No, we will be exploring communicating with at least dogs, cats and horses.

  • No, the only requirement is that you have a desire to support and give a voice to animals.

  • Yes! We can if that is where we are led.

  • The focus of this experience to tap into this skill and begin honing, developing and cultivating it. I would not encourage someone to begin an animal communication business after an 8 or 12-week experience. We will chat about how you can use animal communication moving forward and I can answer any of your questions then.

  • Highly recommended you know your HD, but no, you do not need to know your Human Design in order to participate in this container. I will be using HD at different places throughout the container to give insight into what may be naturally there for you. So, knowing your HD will give you additional insight, but it is not required.

Have additional questions not answered here?

Please click the button below and email them to me!