Gaia Message.

December 31, 2024

I want to speak on how to walk meaningfully from one year to the next.

1. You must allow what has been, to be. Leave it where it is. Cut ties. Walk through the fog. Allow. Allow all that has transpired to be where it transpired. We do not need to bring that into our present + future.

2. Learn + Reflect. Learn form what has happened. Decide if they are things you want to continue in the new year or things you want to shift in the new year. Only you can decide that answer for you. Don’t allow others to dictate what you “should” do or be or experience or feel. You get to do that. Reflect on what has transpired. Reflect on who you’ve been. Reflect on how others have been with you too. Your overall experience. Reflect. Reflect from a higher vantage point, so you can see more clearly. Reflect from a place where feelings + emotions + wounds, if there are any, arena’t strong, fresh and clouding your ability to sit and see things more clearly and really learn from them.

3. Decide what you are leaving behind. Decide what hasn’t served you and therefore is being left behind. Decide what you are clearing out. Make room. Clean house. Be ruthless, but also be realistic. If you aren’t really going to or ready to leave something behind then move on to the next thing. Clean house. Declutter. Make space. Open up.

4. What are you ready to welcome in? What is your soul calling to you? What is your authentic self, your soul, your spirit, your Guides + Ancestors calling you towards? Take time. Sit in peace and feel into what is being sent to you. What is feeling in tune with your soul’s calling. Receive it. Write it down. Feel into the vastness. Don’t be scared, and you don’t have to act upon it now. Feel into it. Capture the moment. Have it ready so you can reference it often.

5. Get ready to receive. Clear out the way to receive the steps and guidance that will lead you to what you received in #4. You must develop a clear channel with your own self, Guides, Ancestors, Ascended Masters - all who watch over you and send you messages, tips, guidance, steps, lessons, etc. they will be feeding you each step in order to lead you to your deepest desires.

And lastly, 6. How can you include me and my beings in your life more? Have can you honor us? How can you develop deeper gratitude in your daily life fro all that we give you? These questions may changes and the answers to the questions may change too. Thats perfect. We all shift and change - so our answers and questions, quality of questions, will change too.

I wish you the best.

Much love,

Mama G.


November 24, 2024

I am ready to talk.

I am ready to open the lines and get same things off my chest.

I have wait long enough, and you have waited long enough.

The wait is over, let’s get started.

I am disappointed.

I am disappointed in you and I’m disappointed in me because there could have been more I could have done, could have shown, could have shifted. Maybe there are more I could have reached out to and activated, yet it doesn’t matter and I think we would all still be here if I had.

See, this is what taking responsibility, personal responsibility, looks like. It is acknowledging and recognizing all the places that led you to this moment. The actions and non-actions of self that led to the current experience. You can see it isn’t that difficult, right? To acknowledge your place in something. To show your conscious and present in this moment and don’t blame anyone else for it. You helped you get here.

Just like you helped you get to this current experience on your planet. To the death and destruction. To the burning down and stomping upon. And you have also had a hand in the reconstruction, the transformation and the hope. Your hand is in both and you get to decide where you want to spend your time and energy moving forward. No, you must decide. You must make a stand on which side you will stand upon and pour your energy into. Because that is what we need - what you need - to pour all of your energy and desire into the side that speaks to you the most. And if you don’t all decide to stand firmly and pour fully into the side of transformation, reconstruction and hope - your humanity has no chance. You will fight yourselves out of existence. You will snuff out the light and there will be no chance for sustaining existence / life. Either way is OK, but now is the time that you have to erect change for yourselves and for all of life on planet Earth. But you must decide and you must decide with such strength and fortitude that no one can take you or change you from this path. You must decide. And you must go all in. That is the only way.

I love your kind deeply, but there are many reparations you must make. Much forgiveness you must seek and a coming together that is required in order to keep the peace and allowing life to thrive once again. I am happy to be delivering this message because it means we are that much closer to a global shift and change that can be so far reaching its depths will be unknown. More life will be able to come and flourish here. Species and brings that had to flee / fled because of the hate, destruction and despair, will be able to be seeded back on this Earth, but again this all takes decision and sacrifice. “Making things right” isn’t always going to be convenient or cost effective, but it is needed and required all the same. The longer you put off this work - the closer you get to the point of no coming back. Again, either is OK, but I would love to see an epic redemption story, wouldn’t you?

You all have a history. You all have a story. They are all important. Just as my history and my story - and the stories of all my beings - is really important. Gather, tell your stories and allow me and my beings, in which you are also included, tell their / our stories as well. There is enough space for all of us - we might just need to look at things differently, take on a new approach and allow new avenues of light to flow in and shine a new light, a new path and a new way of being and existing in the light. That is what we are moving toward and wanting to usher in here on this planet of ours. We need a new way. When we approach in a new way - I can support in a new way too. Don’t get blinded by things needing to make “sense.” They need to feel right. You need to know they’re right and don’t worry about the logical-ness of it all - that will be taken care of. Tap into me and my energy and see where it leads you. If you do that you will not be led astray and the impossible can be made possible. That is all you need to focus on. Decide where you are spending your energy and tune into the energy of the next steps. Because if you decide to pour your energy into death and destruction that means you are already cut off from my energy and you won’t feel the call and you won’t be in the spaces to even receive this message and energy. So, if you are here and you are receiving this, it is because you feel the call and you have been tapped to help transform your world into what it once was. When things were calmer and quieter and all beings were more connected. Not connected to devices and information, but connected to each other, connected to me, connected to life and nature around them - there was a give and take before and we must get back to it. It has been too many centuries of taking and not enough giving in return. Not enough understanding and not enough universal love for life and self. It is time to return to that otherwise things will all be moot. Don’t allow your species and life to be extinguished because too many of your kind became greedy and demanded more, more, more, be damned how it negatively impacted anyone but them / him.

It is time to change. It is time to decide. It is time to pick a side and pour your energy into it. And if you are here receiving this - there is only one side for you to choose. Now choose it and commit to it. There is not much time left. Time is in your hands. Thank you. That is all for now.

**When I asked for ways to pour our energy into the side of reconstruction, transformation and hope - like what does that look like - she said that she would share that later.

Stay tuned for how to receive more messages and insights from Gaia