Becoming Authentically You

Authenticity is a choice.

Living true to your soul’s path is a choice you have to choose each and every day.

Authenticity is such a buzzword.

Many people speak of it, not everyone truly understands it. And even a smaller number lives it.

You are your authenticity and it is you. It lives within you. For some it lives closer to the surface than others. Some may have many many layers of conditioning that obscure the truth of who you truly are. Whichever is true for you, choosing you and your authentic self will be a choice you must make each and every day.

It can be easy to take a course or session about finding your authenticity or even getting glimpses of it, it is a lot harder to then consciously apply that knowledge in your everyday life with confidence, grace and knowingness. That is why community and continued support can be your keys to success of stepping fully and determinedly into your truest self.


I want to help you live your design, not just hear it, learn it, understand it. I want to go the extra step so that you feel safe and supported enough to truly live as your authentic self. Dip your toe in the water, and then go for a swim. Explore it. Build your relationship with your own authenticity so that you’re able to walk into, and through, the world unabashedly you.

This is my intention for you in this container.

Living, speaking, being authentically you puts the power back in your hands.

Here is what you can expect as we walk through this 5 month experience together

A re-introduction to you from the lens of Human Design. Who you are, how you interact with the world, the signs that illuminate your mis-alignment and alignment, and so much more.

Connecting to self, the Divine, our Guides, Source. Connecting to your intuition and creating space to receive messages from the unseen.

Acknowledging the lessons, signs and messages we receive.

Observing how fear may be holding you back from allowing yourself to shine.

Recognizing, accepting and embracing the shadow aspects of self.

Navigating relationships - including how to best communicate.

Purpose. How to partner and uncover what it is for you.

Matching our energetic body to our physical body. How our physical body can be an indicator of energetic misalignment.

And more!

I have been given this framework from the Divine. This container, framework and content is not created from my mind - it was given to me in order to best support you on your journey home to yourself.


I think it is important to understand that in this container you are given permission to be fully who you are, ALL of who you are.

We all came into this lifetime to BE the fullest expression of who we truly are and we can’t fulfill that if we are constantly trying to fit molds, expectations and norms that don’t apply to us.

This container is a journey. A journey within yourself. A journey home to yourself. And a journey to unexplored parts of yourself.

With every journey there are unforeseen obstacles, setbacks, mountains to overcome and beautiful scenery to take in. In other words, this journey back home to who you truly are is going to be uncomfortable and inconvenient at times and if you stick with it, the journey will be incredibly rewarding, fulfilling and satisfying.

You will learn more about your resilience and what you are capable of, while at the same time building incredible bonds with the others that walk the journey with you.

This container is not just one thing - it is comprised of many things. I have learned and acquired many tools, tips, exercises over the course of my own journey. I have forged relationships with Guides, Ascended Masters and the Divine, let alone other magical, majestic and wise human beings. This container is a combination of all of it. Human Design, teachings from Ascended Masters, messages from my Guides and the Divine, experiences from my own journey and so much more.

It is time to see life clearly. It is YOUR life - not your parents, not your partners, not your boss’s and not your friends. Your life. You actually do hold the power. You do hold the control for change. You do hold the majesty and magic of all your ancestors and those who came before you. You do. No one else. You decide how your life goes from here. You hold the reins, which direction are you going to go?

Meet your guide

Hi! I am Emma, I will be your guide and facilitator on this journey.

My authenticity journey started when I refused to leave a toxic work environment. My physical health declined, my hair was falling out, my back was in chronic pain, I was tired all the time, irritable and all around unhappy. I could feel that my purpose was more than that job and yet the stress kept me from being able to see clearly.

The Divine gifted me with two things nearly simultaneously. An invitation to leave my job (or stay and get fired) and a sign up for a dog training event, that was steeped in personal development talk.

I left the job and surrendered myself to the Divine - show me what I am meant to do. I was not incredibly happy when the Divine led me to a similar position / job at a different company. Even though I wasn’t thrilled about it, I took it and embarked on a new adventure.


Little did I know that this was the exact path I was meant to be on. This new job afforded me the opportunity to sign up with many personal and spiritual growth mentors and my path to authenticity truly began. For about 2 years I went all in learning about who I was truly, the person I was hiding away from the world in fear of judgment and rejection and began the path of healing, acceptance and embodiment. I am still on that path today. In honesty, I think once you are on this path you never truly get off it - always evolving, growing, learning, healing and starting over again.

Since then I have had over 12 mentors, teachers, guides, coaches and have spent over $100,000. I share this to show you I have learned from many and investing in myself is something I highly regard as important and crucial. I have learned a lot about how to support others and how not to. I am a firm believer that there is no one way to short cut to your own authenticity. It is a journey as unique as each individual person on this planet. My way is not your way and vice versa. I want to support you in your way - no one else’s.

A tool we will be using in this container is Human Design. I see the world through this tool and can see when and how someone is misaligned through the words they are saying. Human Design is a treasure trove of information about the authentic person we are, so we will be pairing this very tangible tool with more intangible tools throughout this container. You can learn more about Human Design here.

Who this is for

This experience is for those who are wanting to live more fully aligned to who they truly are at their core.

You may find yourself drawn here because you are wanting the support and confirmation to be the person you feel inside you, but others do not see or validate outside of you.

This container is for those who want to shine! They know they are meant for more than what they are currently doing, but they can’t see what that is…yet.

You are likely pulled to this experience because you are tired of being tired or frustrated or like you are missing out on the joy of life. You are wanting to tap more into the innate wisdom of the world around you.

And this is for anyone who feels called to be in this space and doesn’t quite know why yet, if you feel the call it is likely your higher self providing you a breadcrumb along your path.


This is not for

This container is not for anyone who isn’t ready to commit themselves to their own authentic life.

This experience is not for anyone who is expecting to be given all the answers.

This is not for you if you are unwilling to provide yourself and this work space and time outside the calls.

This is not for someone who ridicules and judges others. Anyone who is not open minded.

This is not for anyone who doesn’t want to know or live as their authentic self.


This container holds all the sparks and ignition for change, you just have to light the match and fan the flames. You. No one can do it for you and no one can make you do it. You get to step up and be fully in charge of your life moving forward.

What’s included in this 5 month experience:

  • Weekly approx. 90min calls

  • Meditations to use to connect to self + Guides

  • Space to receive support on each call

  • FB Group for support and community

  • Recordings of all calls

  • Bonus interviews with spiritual teachers and mentors to learn from their genius

  • Bonus! Message from your Higher Self


We need a minimum of 5 people committed to the container before we can start.

Once 5 are committed we can choose time / day for calls + start date.

Bonus - $333 off any payment plan for the first few to commit




3 x $704


5 x $423


6 x $355

Claim the space to live authentically you.



  • Yes! This container and experience is for those anywhere on their journey.

  • Because part of starting to live authentically as you is having space, support and community to explore what that truly is for you. Having the support of others going through the same thing makes the experience feel less like you are doing it by yourself. Some of my best friendships today are with people I met through containers like this.

  • The days / times of the calls will be determined once we have enough people to get the container started. You will vote on the days / times that work best for you. Possible days / times of the calls are:

    Mondays @ 1pm PT

    Wednesdays @ 10am OR 6pm PT

    Thursdays @ 11am PT

  • No, you do not need to know your Human Design in order to participate in this container. I will be using HD at different places throughout the container to give insight into what may be naturally there for you. So, knowing your HD will give you additional insight, but it is not required.

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Please click the button below and email them to me!