Sovereign You.
Sovereign You is about reclaiming ownership of your own life.
Sovereign is defined as “supreme ruler, possessing supreme or ultimate power”. We have forgotten that we are sovereign beings and that we are the supreme ruler of ourselves. It is time to reclaim that power.
Do you feel that call?
Are you tired of giving the ultimate power of you to others?
Sovereign You will support you in reconnecting to your own sovereignty.
We are living during a transition.
We are living during a leap in consciousness.
We are living at a time where you being the most authentic version of you is the greatest gift for you, your family and the world.
We are moving from a time of win-lose mentality to a win-win mentality.
We are moving more into co-creation instead of sole-creation.
We are moving into a more conscious and intentional way of living.
Your Soul is who you truly are. Your Soul is your 5D expression of self. Your Soul is the seat of your authenticity.
Your human self is an illusion. Your human self gets lost in the mind. Your human self is navigating through generational traumas, beliefs and experiences.
Your Human Design is a roadmap to your authenticity. Your HD helps your mind understand who you truly are. Your HD allows you to navigate the human world with consciousness, awareness, understanding, compassion and authenticity.
Do you feel your Soul calling to be heard?
Do you find yourself at odds with what you want and what others expect?
Do you compromise at the expense of yourself?
Do you want to walk more consciously through your life?
Do you want to show up more wholly and fully for you and as you?
Do you want to reclaim your life for you?
Do you want to let go of the frustration, disappointment, anger and bitterness?
Do you desire to live in alignment to who you truly are and feel that resonance radiate through your life and experience?
The Sovereign You container holds you (Soul + Human) as you begin to understand and live more in alignment to who you are.
In this container you will learn more about why you are the way you are.
You will learn how to live more authentically as you.
You will begin to see where you are have been denying yourself in lieu for others.
You will understand how to show up more wholly as you.
You will know how to better support yourself daily.
You will begin to drop the stories, judgements and shame you hold about how you have done life thus far.
You will cultivate more energy.
You will trust yourself more.
You will make decisions in alignment to your highest good.
You will be more in tune with your emotions and how they flow for you.
You will learn how to walk away from things, people, opportunities, etc. that are not for you.
You will create more intentional time with yourself.
The shifts that are possible with this container are infinite.
This container is deeply personal and enlightening.
In this container we will use Human Design, tapping into your Soul, my Guides, your Guides and your animals (if you have any) to remember who you came here to be.
What you can expect from this container:
-Guidance for how to best show up in your life in alignment to who you came here to be.
-Practices that will help you connect to you.
-Permission to only take and do what resonates deeply for you.
-Unlimited support energetically and physically throughout our container.
-Invitations and permission to connect in with your Soul, your Guides and Ancestors for support and guidance.
-Holding the vision of who you are, the life that is possible for you and the experience you desire to cultivate.
-Safe environment to open up, be vulnerable, seen, heard + felt.
Possible focuses for the container:
-Living in alignment to your authentic blueprint
:This includes learning about who you came here to be through using your Human Design chart as a jumping off point. We will also connect with your intuition so you can discern what is best for you, what resonates with you, what is blocking you and what breadcrumbs are awaiting for you to follow.
-Applying Human Design with your business / clients
:We will be starting with your authentic roadmap to see how you are living in alignment already and bringing awareness to any places that are misaligned. We will then work in how you can apply your own Human Design to your business - how you show up - how you make decisions - leaning into what you have access to consistently. At the same time we can chat about how to better support clients in the work that you are doing based on the individual clients you are supporting.
-Supporting yourself + family / relationships
:This is a combination of the first focus in this list with learning more about the authentic roadmaps of those in your life - whether children, partner or close friends.
**Container length will determine how in depth we are able to get into the focus of your container.
**This is not an exhaustive list of how you can use this container to better support and align you to live the life you came here to live.
What’s included in all containers:
Weekly 90 min calls the length of your container (4, 8 or 12)
Access to the Emerging Authentically You Resource Page
This is where you can find meditations to connect to self, podcast + book recommendations, bonus calls and more!
Unlimited text + audio support through the free app Voxer
Energy Type Workbook for your Type
Access to your Type’s Reintroduction Course
Extra week of unlimited support through Voxer after our last call
4 weeks
1 payment - $1,555
2 payments - $778
8 weeks
1 payment - $2,777
2 payments - $1,389
3 payments - $926
12 weeks
1 payment - $3,999
3 payments - $1,333
4 payments - $1,000
Claim your spot!
If you already know this is a good fit for you and don’t need to have a call to confirm, then fill out the form below and we can begin our journey together!