Free HD Workshop - Introduction to Human Design + 5 Energy Types

Hi Friends!

I hope this finds you well!

I had the pleasure and honor to speak at the Portland Chapter of IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences) last night.

I got to share how my journey brought to the Secret Service, Nike and Apple and eventually to Animal Communication / Soul Communication and Human Design. And how understanding my own Human Design is what gave me the courage and knowing that I needed to make a big change.

Perhaps I will be able to share that talk with you.

During the talk a member asked about resources I had explaining Human Design. He was having a hard time understanding it because of how dense the language can be around it. In the moment I totally forgot that I recorded this free Human Design Workshop at the beginning of summer that answered all of those questions. This workshop is an introduction to Human Design as well as a brief overview of the 5 Energy Types.

I invite you to watch this video if you are wanting to learn more about Human Design and how it can enrich and transform your own life.

If you are intrigued to learn more about your own Human Design I invite you to run your Human Design chart here.

If you already have your chart and are ready to dive in deeper I invite you into a couple of different ways to do that:
1. Exploring more about your own design through the Energy Type Workbooks. Find those here.

2. Learning more through an individual 1:1 session or package where we will dive into not only your Energy Type, but also how you make decisions, life theme, personality and so much more. Find more on that here.

3. Committing to aligning to not only your Human Design, but your Health as well through the course Align - Health and Human Design. In this self-paced course you also receive a monthly live group Q&A call. Learn more here.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out.

Sending you so much Love!


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