Day 1
Biz Clearing Journey
Connected Consciousness
Journal Prompts -
How does your overall container feel right now? When you tap into the energy of your container what emotions come up, what phrases come to mind, what does it feel like someone coming into your business is experiencing?
How do you want your overall container to feel moving forward? What experience do you want others to have as they step energetically into your business space?
Spend time journaling all that you saw, felt, experienced in the meditation. Sit with all that was revealed to you. Don’t attach to anything and please do not go into “figure it out” or “make it happen” mode. Allow what was today to be - and allow that to be perfect.
Clarity cannot be forced.
Clarity’s best friend is surrender. When we surrender to what is and allow the process to unfold in the perfect way for us, the clarity that flows through is massive.
Have faith and trust. In you. In your soul’s container. In your work in the world. And in all the beings, Guides, Ancestors and Ascended Masters that are walking with you in the unseen.
You’ve got this.
I am sending you so much Love.
Emma J.
Stay tuned for Day 2 to come through your email tomorrow!