Connected Consciousness

Providing opportunities to transform your life, relationships and business.


Hi and Welcome!

My name is Emma and I am your Guide here at Connected Consciousness. I am so excited to facilitate growth within yourself, your relationships and your business/job through our offerings of Human Design and Animal Communication +Healing.


Make it stand out.

How We Transform Lives

Human Design and Animal Communication are the tools we use to create life transformation. They are used separately to create the desired outcome you are looking for!

Are you on a journey of self-discovery? Are you searching for the authentic you? Are you yearning to understand yourself better and those around you? Do you want to learn how to set up your business to fully support you? All of these questions can be answered by Human Design!

Do you have an animal that has less than desirable behaviors? Do you feel like your animal is trying to tell you something, but you can’t put your finger on what? Do you want to know why this specific animal came across your path and is now in your care? All of these questions can be answered by Animal Communication!

How Animal Communication + Healing Works.


This is not done in person or over the phone, yet. You supply me with at least one image of your pet (with face and eyes clearly visible) and questions you wish to have me ask your pet. Please do not share any background or context about your pet or why you want your questions asked. I will connect in, ask your questions, create a video of the experience and email the video to you. 

Since this is not done over the phone or in person, I will inform you in what week of the month you can expect to receive your recording. Date will be given after I have received photo(s) and questions. 

What is Human Design?


Human Design is the blueprint of who you are. It is who you are underneath all of the conditioning we have from childhood, family, friends and society. Human Design is multi-faceted and pulls in astrology, I’Ching, Kabala and the chakra system to give you a full picture of who you are. Learning about your specific Human Design chart gives you the permission and licensing to be the person you feel deep down inside.

I look forward to working with you!