Your Aligned Life.

This program is designed to cultivate a deeper understanding and groundedness in who you truly are, your authenticity.

Do you want to walk into 2023 more aligned, connected and living as the most authentic version of you yet?

Let’s do this.


Why this matters.

When we walk around and show up as the person we think we are supposed to be or what others have told us we should be we become a shell of who we are meant to be. We become frustrated, bitter, disappointed and angry as a “normal” state. I promise you, it is not meant to be constant or normal.

We all showed up on this Earth to be a specific human being with talents, skills, traits and characteristics specific to us.

We are meant to lean into our authenticity not only to experience a vibrant and joyful life, but to also make the world a better place.

Human Design is the blueprint of who you are. It is your authenticity roadmap. It is a tangible tool that shows you who you are truly underneath the layers of conditioning we have taken on over the years.

What is Human Design and why is it my tool of choice?

Human Design is a treasure trove of information about YOU. It tells you about how you are meant to interact with the world, how you make decisions, what motivates you, how you experience emotions, what kind of energy you have and so much more. It is a mixture of multiple modalities including: astrology, the chakra system, Kabbalah, the I’Ching, astronomy, Quantum Mechanics and genetics. It is comprehensive and it is all about you.

It is my tool of choice because it is the first thing that I have found that is not only accurate, but it also incredibly comprehensive. Plus, there is no quiz involved. All the other personality type tools out there require a quiz, well I would take the quizzes and each time I would get a different answer. I understand why that is now through understanding my Human Design. I also love it because it is a 3rd party, unbiased, tangible tool we can point to in order to say this is why you have always felt this way or this is how you are meant to show up and use your voice.

In order to run your Human Design chart you need your birth date, birth time and birth location. Please ensure your birth time is as accurate as possible because a 15 minute difference can change a chart. Why? Charts are run by using where the planets were at the day, time and location of your birth, as well as 3 months prior to your birth. If planets were on the cusp of transiting into a different location you may find that you are a Generator at one time and 15minutes later you are a Projector. :)


Working with Emma has really liberated and supported me in so many ways! Knowing my Human Design and how it works together with my son's and my husband's has helped me understand me and my family so much better. It affects every aspect of our lives when we as Projectors try to live like Generators. It just doesn't work!! I really felt supported by Emma in this aspect because she is also a passionate advocate for honoring one's energy and standing by it, instead of perpetuating the "energy shaming" that we (especially as Projectors) are subjected to. As Emma is also a healer, she really sensed what needed to come forth for me. So I learned a lot, felt seen and heard and feel like I can finally be exactly the way I am. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Thank you Emma! —Sonja N.


Do any of these resonate?

Do you feel like people don’t know who you really are? 

Do you feel like you don’t even know who you really are? 

Are you tired of being someone you are not? 

Are you tired of putting on the mask that you were conditioned to put on day in and day out? 

Are you exhausted and burnt out? 

Are you tired of being tired? 

Do you know there is a better way and just can’t quite put your finger on what it is? 

Do you know your life is meant to be big, bold and beautiful and you are not quite sure of how get it there? 

Do you know you are meant for more?

Do you want to ensure your children do not grow up and feel the same way you do? 

Are you ready to stop the cycle of burn out, unfulfillment and dis-ease?

This program is for you! 

During this 12 week program I am going to introduce you to you. 

We are going to walk through who you are, why you have felt the way you have and provide tools and insight into how you become the person you were sent here to be. 

You are going to learn a multitude about who you are and given the support to apply it to your life. The support will of course come from me, and the collective that will be going through the program with you. You will get to connect with people who are going through the same feelings you are and get to create friendships that may last a lifetime! 


Why I am so passionate about this.

For this little girl right here.

I am a Projector who was raised surrounded by MGs and Generators. I learned at an early age that we DO in order to succeed. Hard work and long hours were valued in my circle. I learned to be praised for doing rather than what I could see so clearly.

I was very (and still am) very sensitive and had very large emotions - both were not highly valued by teachers, friends, family, etc. - and to be fair, I didn’t understand what was happening or why they were happening and so they became more amplified than they could have been. I took things very personally - criticism was a personal attack on my abilities. Emotions just became too unsafe to continue to have in the degree I was having them. 

I managed to create pretty convincing and well-liked masks that I would put on to brave the world with. I was logical and rational - made decisions based on fact and not feeling. I became a people pleaser in order to be accepted and liked and find belonging. And I began to cope and numb. My first numbing mechanism was TV. I would spend hours in front of the TV watching whatever was on. Then as life progressed and I felt more and more distant from myself, I turned to alcohol. 

TV and alcohol were my two crutches. They were the ways I would escape my life. I didn’t understand myself. I didn’t know myself. And the masks I was putting out into the world, yet shiny on the outside, were very lackluster on the inside. I knew what people wanted to see and so I gave them that, I am a Projector after all. 

I went off to Washington, DC in search of my first real job and the numbing mechanisms eased because it felt like people were starting to see and accept me for a more truer version of me, even though I still did’t know who I truly was. 

Fast forward, after working with the Secret Service, failed career at Nike and finding myself at Apple, I was finally in a position to accept that my life could not continue in the ways it was. Things needed to change and fast. 

I signed up with multiple coaches and one introduced me to Human Design. It was through learning about myself through Human Design that my life really started to come into crystal clear clarity for the first time. Continuing to learn about myself I began to see myself in a whole new light and I began to accept and love the person I was uncovering. 

It took years to really begin to step into my authentic blueprint - and in ways I am still doing so. 

I have been through it all. I have felt like the ultimate outsider. I have been the fraud at the center wearing the mask. And I have done the work to understand who I truly am and not only embrace it, but celebrate it. 

This is why I am so passionate about teaching people about their authenticity - through using Human Design - because it has truly made my life true, authentic, healthy and filled with purpose. 

If you are ready for the same transformation - let’s do it! 


I can’t express how much my sessions helped/aided/guided me. It’s been incredibly complimentary to my own path to self discovery this season of my life. The word that comes to mind that has been resonating in my conversations with Emma, and also in my other journey, is SYNCHRONICITY. It’s all starting to jive and it feels really good.    — Lana T.

What this program looks like.

  • 12 weeks

  • Weekly Zoom calls

  • Group Voxer support group

  • Energy Type Workbook & Video

  • Start first week of November 2022!

Week 1 - Understanding the basics of who you are. How you show up, interact with the world, and more.

Week 2 - Your unique recipe for making decisions.

Week 3 - Emotions - do you create them or take them in?

Week 4 - Vibrance and energy. Stop pushing, forcing and grinding. Making a life of burn out and exhaustion a thing of the past.

Week 5 - What is keeping you stuck? What fears are holding you back from aligned action?

Week 6 - Ask anything - Application call

Week 7 - Your personality. How you see yourself and how others see you.

Week 8 - Your sense of self & direction. Defining who you are in alignment with your core authenticity.

Week 9 - Voice. How you are meant to use your voice in this world.

Week 10 - What you need to succeed - your motivation, your relation to structure & flow, strategy and more.

Week 11 - Life purpose! Beginning the conversation of what your unique life purpose is.

Week 12 - Ask anything - Application call

Are you ready to begin your transformation?


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"Emma has been one of the many lights in my life over the past couples years. Her ever growing knowledge of human design, energy, and her own experience of doing the "inner work", is so apparent, every time I speak with her. I have cherished our one on one HD sessions tremendously, and still use what I've learned months and months later, for myself, my personal relationships and with my clients. It's helped me to really look at the way I navigate my old baggage.” —Justine B.


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